Let me start this blog with a disclaimer. This is not a church-bashing blog. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ and served full-time in his church for nearly my entire adult life. It's that "insider" perspective that drives my passion to share the real truth about the church warts and all. There's an inside joke that you'll hear among the most dedicated churchgoers. "The church is the only place that shoots its wounded!" In church everyone's wounded. Some find healing, some find a place on a board or committee. There are many travesties inflicted on the human experience by church people. This blog is not, necessarily, an apology for that, though I may at times try. I've even toyed with the idea of writing a book about this. I've got a few chapters you can read at my Squidoo lens if you're interested. If you do read what I've written I'd love to hear what you think.
The Christian church is in the early stages of a cataclysmic revolution. The wrestling match is very well explained by Brian McLaren in A Generous Orthodoxy. Just the subtitle should give you a little idea what I'm talking about. A good friend of mine has a blog that also reflects the struggle of the next generation of Christians about faith and church and stuff. In fact there are a lot of great new voices engaged in the conversation about what church is, what it should be and what it will take to move forward.
I'm adding my voice to the fray. My contribution will be random thoughts, comments, rants and, every once in a while, an outright challenge to the status quo. I'm convinced that there is no human being who has everything exactly right. There is absolute truth, but no church has found it in its entirety and I don't believe any church ever will. Let's keep talking.
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