The rapid descent into abject depravity in this country is truly beginning to alarm me. The current administration in Washington is embracing people and policies that are in stark opposition to traditional Christian values. I'm particularly concerned about our schools.
I saw first hand the negative influence public schools have on the morality of our children when I was in youth ministry working with kids who were primarily public school students. I'm not going to recount the stories here, but I hope you trust that I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that there is an organized effort to indoctrinate our children into a culture of tolerance of anything and everything with no filter as to whether or not those things conform to any historic moral standard.
Many well-meaning, but horribly uninformed Christian parents have argued in favor of the public school system through the years. But I'm here to tell you that public schools are the lynch pin in the moral collapse of our society. And it's the result of a decades long intentional effort by people determined to strip any identifiable Judeo-Christian moral foundation out of the educational system. If you doubt this, wake up and start doing some homework. The institutionalized corruption of our children's minds is an ongoing campaign that is gathering steam.
Read this article first, then tell me that at the federal level they aren't committed to destroying the moral fiber of our society as historically understood by a Christian culture.
It is time for the Christian Church in America to take action. Every single Christian Church should open a school. Regardless of cost and whether you can accommodate 10 students or 1000 students it's time to reclaim the founders original intention for public education. We need to offer FREE alternatives to the corrupt public school system. Whatever it takes...volunteer moms and dads as teachers, creating our own curriculum and resources, supporting homeschoolers by opening our buildings for them to use for special events.
I'm dead serious about this. We can no longer send our precious children to spend the largest part of their days in places that sing praises and chants to the President, applaud homosexuality as one of several acceptable lifestyles, promote other religions as equal to or superior to Christianity, denigrate or outright deny the fact that God created the universe in favor of a flawed theory of evolution as absolute truth and all but ignore the basic skills they should be teaching.
It occurs to me this morning that if the church really wants to reclaim it's place in this culture and become relevant again, it's time to take back our children. Not for an hour a week in Sunday School. But 30 hours a week providing a classical education rooted in truth and founded on historic Christian morality. It should be our goal to put public schools out of business.
historic christian morality, historically is filled with moral death crusades and moral butchery and moral invasion and the moral burning of milliona gentle women of knowledge...christian 'history' may not be what you want to call upon.
There seems to be some confusion between the difference between Christianity and the Christian religion. I wholeheartedly agree that the religious zealots operating under the banner of Christianity have, over the years committed horrendous atrocities. Atrocities that find absolutely no justification in Christ's teachings or in the Bible, if you truly study and understand the Bible. Followers of Christ are, unfortunately saddled with the misbegotten view...the one anonymous presents...that Christians are responsible for so much evil in the world. These are often highlighted by those who have been hurt by organized religion.
But let's consider the Christians who have established hospitals, founded great institutions of learning, created soaring works of art, composed life-changing works of music, marched against slavery, sent aid and comfort around the world to people who, in some cases, are enemies of the Christian faith.
I call not on the religion of Christianity, but on the name of Jesus Christ who honored women, loved children and instructed all those who follow him to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. That's the sort of morality that can return order, respect and dignity to our culture and our children should know about it.
" reclaim the founders original intention for public education." What are you referring to here?
I respect you call upon the name of Christ, not the organized religion that bears his name or the terribly misguided zealots who continue to use the religion to foist their bigotry, intolerance and corruption on the masses. A brilliant secular view on Christian morality can be found in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson's The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. This is a book that should be required reading in any school system - public or private.
But make no mistake - you eliminate public education and you run contrary to EVERYTHING the founders stood for.
As I understand it, one of the intentions the founders had for public education was to provide unfettered access to education so that all might possess the ability to read scripture and decide for themselves what was in the Bible so as not to be manipulated or tyrannized by an elite ruling class that used religion as a weapon to control the masses. Providing a vehicle for everyone to freely engage in intelligent public discourse based on Biblical literacy founded on Judeo-Christian moral truth.
Unfortunately our public schools have, by and large, become temples to secular humanism...a zealous religion in it's own right...where any desire to discuss evolution as a theory and not a fact is viciously put down (see Ben Stein's "Expelled" if you doubt this). A place where, even if the majority of the community is Christian all mention of Christmas is banished and replaced by Winter Holiday. The extreme hostility toward Christianity in the public school system renders it ineffective in promoting genuine, balanced, thoughtful debate that is tolerant of all views and opinions. As soon as any view is demonized, disregarded or denied a place at the table the entire institution is mortally wounded.
I'm not advocating for the elimination of public schools. I'm saying the church should, out of love and concern for our culture, start providing real public schools where all views can be discussed openly. Where the entire population is welcomed regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, etc. Where children can learn in a safe, caring, loving environment driven by a passionate commitment to Jesus but not in any way meant to force Christian faith on anyone. This will expose the failures of the public school system, give parents a real choice that doesn't cost an arm and a leg and, hopefully, cause public schools to adapt or go away. A monopoly in any arena is detrimental to the public good. Public schools are a monopoly increasingly unaccountable to parents and the community and obviously unconcerned.
It's my firm belief that when Christians actually live as Christ did it will draw people to hunger for the peace, love, hope, healing and freedom that can only be found in him. I fear the organized church may not be capable of this, but I'm eternally hopeful that someday followers of Christ can, once again, show the world that God's love for EVERYONE as demonstrated in Jesus is boundless and unconditional.
"As I understand it, one of the intentions the founders had for public education was to provide unfettered access to education so that all might possess the ability to read scripture and decide for themselves what was in the Bible so as not to be manipulated or tyrannized by an elite ruling class that used religion as a weapon to control the masses. Providing a vehicle for everyone to freely engage in intelligent public discourse based on Biblical literacy founded on Judeo-Christian moral truth."
Please site your sources. Many a tyrany begin with "as I understand it".
Good question and one that'll take me some time to research. For starters check this out and take a look at the complete text of Benjamin Rush's "A Defence of the Bible in Schools" here These don't specifically address the reason I stated so I'm continuing to look into that.
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