Friday, March 08, 2013


Awhile back a friend and I were having a conversation about short term mission trips. My friend is a pastor at a large church and he expressed his doubts about the benefits of such trips. He'd been told through the years that people who go on mission trips come home and engage more fully in the overall mission of the church. In his experience that just wasn't true. And he's right.

Many people who go on short term mission trips don't get more deeply involved in the work of their church at home. It's a lot like your kids going to a friends house to help clean out the garage when they won't pick up their own clothes off the bedroom floor. But the reason for going on a mission trip isn't to stimulate more involvement at least that shouldn't be the reason.

I think the biggest reason is we're called to go. And while there's been plenty said on this blog about doing short term missions properly and cautions about how we've done them poorly, they are still key to connecting the larger Church for the sake of the Gospel. While not everyone who goes on a short term mission trip has a life altering experience, there are many who do. In earlier post I wrote about missions that were started by individuals touched by the needs of others. In every case they met those in need in person while on a mission trip.

A friend of mine was so affected by his first mission trip that he came home, sold the family business and went into full time mission work. I've worked with college students who, after a summer of mission work, have changed their college major and the entire course of their lives. There is something about experiencing another culture and partnering with others to bring hope and help that touches us like nothing else. There is no television documentary, sermon, film, radio broadcast or missionary presentation that is as compelling as personal experience.

My first visit to Kenya changed my life and compelled me to return again and again. The Shepherd Fund is borne out of that experience. My prayer is that God will bless this effort and that many will support the good work we have set out to accomplish. Learn more and consider making a donation to help launch this ministry by clicking here.

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