Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another Perspective

A good friend of mine is going through some struggles with our church. He's been pretty deep into a leadership role. That's often where pain and frustration happens at church. When you get "behind the curtain" and start dealing with all the real people involved in leadership. I was always cautious never to let a new Christian into a position of leadership at my church. The deeper you get the more dangerous it can be to your faith!

So my friend has discovered this book that's been out a few years now titled, "So You Don't Want To Go To Church Anymore". It's written by a couple of pastors under a single pseudonym. Because of my history in the church and my avid search for a better way to do church, I'm going to be reading the book with him. I'll be blogging about the thoughts I have on it.

I invite you to consider reading it, too. If you do, I'd love it if you would comment here and let me know what you think. I also found a website with a lot of podcasts by these two guys. I don't know if I'll have time to listen to these, but some of the topics are just interesting enough that I might.

Anyway, the overall frustration with the way church is done in Western culture is spawning a lot of interesting conversations. It's irritating to traditionalists but I think this is important as the church continues through it's new reformation.

1 comment:

Gregg Chaddic said...

One thing we know...the way we do church in the west isn't the only way to 'do' church. 'Being' the church would really help how we 'do' church.