Thursday, February 28, 2013

God At Work

Every once in a while it's good for me to reflect on where I am and what's going on around me. In the Old Testament there were regular occasions when the people of Israel would rehearse all that God had done for them. This would sometimes happen when they were going through a rough patch and needed to be reminded that God was still at work in their lives just and had been all along.

It's actually very awe inspiring when you stop long enough to see what's happening around you and realize that there is no way you or any human being could've orchestrated what is going on. There are certainly times in my life when this is less obvious, but right now I'm going through a season where it's blatantly obvious that God is at work. Without going into any specific detail suffice it to say that there are things happening in the lives of people and within businesses and organizations on two continents right now that seem to be spontaneous and unplanned. But these events are working in perfect harmony to accomplish a whole new level of ministry that has the potential to affect millions of people.

When it becomes so very clear that God is at work now, has been long before I came along and will be long after I'm gone, I can relax and enjoy playing whatever small part in the plan He has in mind. Open your eyes and see how God has brought you to where you are right now. Who has He gathered around you? What 'coincidences' have happened to put you on the path you're on? Take time to rehearse all that God has done in your life and before your life that is impacting you right now. Then relax and enjoy the part He's given you to play.

Note: I am still working on the launch of The Shepherd Fund and some exciting things are happening. We still need funding to cover the costs of start-up and I hope you'll consider making a gift of any size to help move this ministry forward. You can find our campaign here and making a donation is simple. Donations to this campaign are not tax deductible.

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